Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What happens in Florida stays in Florida....

Pictures? Didn't take any of my own, but I am waiting for my friend to snapfish the ones she took. I guess I didn't want to be strapped to camera for the few days of vacation. I am already looking forward to next years vacation. Pretty sad, huh?


Beth said...

Totally know where you're coming from, and isn't it just RELAXING that way? Good for you...

Kasandra said...

That is cool too- you will be in some pictures!! YEAH!!
I love the fact that Steve is as addicted to my scrapbooking our special times...he grabs the camera more often than I do. Love the backup! He is addicted, meaning he loves to take photos for me to scrapbook...although he often gives me pointers and opinions! Someday I will get him to do a layout!

Jill H said...

very cool, then you'll be in pictures too!! can't wait to see them :)