Friday, March 24, 2006

It's Friday and I'm ready for work!

Shirley and I tooling around in Dad's new ride...I could seriously drive this golf cart around Pennbroke all day! I wonder if there is a tour guide position open?

Hmm...wouldn't you know it...I finally feel like I can tackle this work thing and it's Friday. Oh well, better luck next week. I did work Monday and Tuesday, so I guess it wasn't a total wash. I sure hope my kids are good today. Still a little tender when I swallow or talk, but not achy, temp., and whatever else I was feeling. I am hoping to play on their sympathy a little today. It will probably work with my older classes, but the younger one's won't give a rip. (even though they're the ones that I'm always coddling when they get a "tiny" boo-boo)

Well, tonight I get to go prom dress shopping. I am really looking forward to it. (No little Kirk is not cross -dressing these days) Kayla has asked me to go with her to Lansing to look at dresses. I figured it might be the last time I ever get asked to do something like this, so I should probably take advantage of it. If nothing else it will be fun to just hang out with "just" her for a bit. Well, I'd better get moving for work. Have a great day! K:)


Jill H said...

glad you're feeling better =)
hope your kids are behaving today.

Beth said...

Seeing you on the cart makes me anxious for the campground to open up! They're just FUN to go carts for big people...with a few more rules :)

Kristin said...

Yeah, like DO NOT PASS THE RED TRAM!! lol