Saturday, February 04, 2006

Uneven teams...

I finally got to see one of Kraig's basketball games this morning. What a poor job at splitting up talent, size, and age. I couldn't believe the other teams roster. I told the man that helps run it that next time I would be happy to help split up the boys more evenly. I have probably 90% of the boys in gym this year. Kraig, unfortunately, is on a team that stinks (putting it mildly). They went up against a team that was very skilled. We are trying to talk to Kraig about leadership and sportmanship qualities he will gain this year. He is very discouraged and can't wait until 7th grade basketball at DMS.

PS However, this morning ended well because I did get to go to the Dan Taylor Wrestling Tournament and had a great time. GO HORNETS!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

well that kinda sucks! Cory's team lost all but the last game. They did a good job skills wise, but when it came time to play, not so great. It's cool you guys went with the "leadership and sportsmanship" talk though, always looking for the good in a situation!!