Saturday, February 11, 2006

These shoes were made for walking....

I hated to take a picture of these shoes, but they go with this post, so bare with. There are 3 of us that have been walking the track at the college and then sitting in the sauna for 30 minutes. This morning we met at 6 AM. Wow, am I crazy or what?! I think it is the threat of the vacation and actually being seen in a swimsuit that has motivated us. I thought that my job was a workout, but oh my, can they walk fast. It must be my stubby little legs that aren't able to keep up. I hope that we can continue to walk....even when we come home and put a sweatshirts back on.

PS Beth imagine that, 2 blogs in 1 day! NEW RECORD for me.


Beth said...

6AM TODAY? You're nuts! Good for you!! I'm impressed, but then I always am :)

Jill H said...

wow, that is like the EXACT opposite of my morning.

you are AWESOME Kristin!!

by the way -- is it ok if I put a link to your blog address on my blog? I didn't want to put it on there if you didn't want others possibly looking at your blog. just let me know :)