Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I can hardly keep myself under control, I am sooooo excited about leaving in 3 more days! Yes, only 3 more days! Just had to say it again in case you didn't catch it the first 1,000 times. We worked like slaves for two days with the boys and their 1 million projects that were due this and next week. Kraig is the only one that still has a boat load of work left to do. Kirk3 is sitting pretty. Wow, is that a statement I thought I would never be able to make.

The sideways flower is just a reminder that Orthodontist have feelings too. Yes, this is what you get when you have two kids in braces (to the tune of $5,600 a piece), and one of them has an appointment on Valentine's Day. Who in their right mind would schedule an orthodontist appointment on V Day? Oh, yeah, now I remember, I'm not in my "right" mind most of the time.

So tonight is the PACKING night. All of the laundry is done and put away (except for the stuff that we wore yesterday, of course, which equals about 2 loads). I will hopefully be able to stuff a few things in a bag between typing crap for Kraig. We'll see?! Hope everyone has a nice day. Later!


Jill H said...

so excited for you going someplace warm, Kristin!
get packing, and don't forget to squeeze me in there too ok?

Beth said...

You are such a brat!! Jill, whatever, I'M going with Kristin!! Someday, anyway! What a nice Valentine's Day gift from the ortho man... Remember that next year, or maybe Kirk will, and then he won't have to spend $17! :) Have a good time!

Kristin said...

I think Kraig or k3 will have ortho appointments on V day from now on....he sure hated to spend the $17. I haven't started packing but I'm leaving room for anyone that wants to squeeze in the carry on bag. I promise to leave the stinky gym shoes home.

Beth said...

Sandals and flip flops for you my dear! I'm pretty sure you couldn't carry Jill AND I!! :)