Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Our flight has been WHAT?!

I really don't care if I set foot in another airport for a looooonnnngggg!! while. I just spent the last 36 hours either waiting for a flight or waiting for a flight. We arrived at the airport at 12 Monday, 3 hours and 20 minutes before take off for DTW. We had lunch, did some shopping and at about 2:00 just happened to walk by one of those flight terminal signs that has the flights posted. I looked up and SXXX! the flight to Detroit had been cancelled. Yes, that's right not delayed, but CANCELLED!!! Panic set is as we went to the bar to grab the other 4 gals. They thought we were joking. "Does it look like I'm JOKING?!" NOT! Of course since we had been there for 2 hours and already had our boarding passes in hand, who would have thought that something like this could happen. We ran to the gate, stood in a very long line, only to be told that the soonest flight they had for us was Thursday at 10:30 AM. Yes, Thursday! We decided to let a little money talk and they were able to get us a flight out this morning at 10:30. They put us at the Crowne Royal, with vouchers for rooms, meals, etc. But we had now spent a SUNNY day in the terminal. Bummer. We had to get to the air port at 7 AM, just in case we ran into a snag. About 9:30 they came over the loud speaker and said that the flight was overbooked and they were looking for people to be bumped. Crap! We graciously talked a family of six to be bumped so that we could have their seats. They got their tickets paid for, 1500 voucher for another trip and 600 dollars. Not bad considering they left on an earlier flight and only got home an hour later. Anyways.....I am home. Exhausted, but we had a blast. I am sure I will give you more updates later. Glad to be home. Kristin :)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh my gosh I wondered!!! I'm glad you're home safe! Get some rest, and can't wait to hear about your trip :)