Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Tag You're It!

I've been blogger tagged by Kandi.

4 jobs you've had
PE teacher
Science teacher
Related Arts teacher (part-time: Library, computers, and PE)
Worked at the Accident Fund - temp work

4 movies you could watch over and over
Fun with Dick and Jane
You've got mail
Wedding Crashers

4 places you've lived
Lansing, MI
Eaton Rapids, MI
Mt. Pleasant, MI (college)
Hillsdale, MI

4 TV shows (these are the only shows I have time to watch during the week)
2 1/2 Men
According to Jim

4 place you've been on vacation
Virginia Beach
Traverse City

4 websites you go to daily
Beth's blog
Kandi's blog
Jill's blog

4 favorite foods
Ice cream and hot fudge with nuts
Chicken Alfredo
Mexican - occasionally can handle it

4 places you would rather be right now
Home reading One for the Money - Janet Evanovich
Scrappin' with my buddies
Tropical desserted Island

4 Bloggers you're tagging
Sad to say, I only know Beth, Jill, and Kandi's blog addresses


Beth said...

I think we need to meet for an ice cream date...these hot fudge sundaes everyone is talking about sound YUMMY!!

Kasandra said...

Yes, I do agree. I think that scrapbook crop with dinner at an icecream place we always talk going to have to be a true dinner date sometime.
Thanks Kristin for playing is fun to learn new things about each of you. :-)

Jill H said...

Awww yeah, ice cream date...but please, let's keep it separate from the scrapbooks cause mine would have hot fudge ALL OVER IT. I'm a messy eater when it comes to ice cream. Beth can testify to that.

Beth said...

Come on girl, post...I miss you!!!

Jill is a little messy. Let's do the ice cream thing...for sure!