Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Needed Invention

I think I have come up with a way to make all of our lives a little easier. Have you ever seen the movie Clockstoppers? In this movie, the characters have the ability to freeze time, do whatever needs to be done, and then restart time with no one knowing that time had stood still. Now think about it for a moment....it's 4 oclock the kids are hungry and tired demanding that you "do" something with them....you clockstop them, make dinner, pick up the house, throw in a load of laundry...and then start time again! No whinning, no fighting.... just start time up again, feed them, do homework, and sit down and relax. Man, that sure sounds like a great invention to me! I could definitely benefit from that.


Beth said...

I will take 2 please :)

Kasandra said...

Count me in!

Jill H said...

never saw that movie, but it sounds like an AWESOME IDEA!! wow, I could get a lot done if I could clockstop my kiddos. I'd become a clockstop addict!