Thursday, January 12, 2006

Our nephew William!

Sorry can't the picture to post yet!!

This would be our nephew William, "Will" to close relatives. Konnor got to go stay the night at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Shirley's house after Grandma Abbie's party. He thought that was really cool. You never can get enough one-on-one time with your Aunt and Uncle. Konnor was happy that he and Will could take this picture together. Will is just starting to like Konnor, so he thinks he is some Dog Whisper or something.

Well, the WELL is doing a little better. It is now fairly clear and I was able to start laundry. Thank God!! I actually got to run the dishwasher too. It is amazing how much of your daily routine you just take for granted until it is taken away. I sure don't think I would have made a very good Pilgrim. The WELL people came yesterday after school and said we would need to have a new WELL drilled and attached to our existing WELL. How SWELL?! I guess we know where our tax return money is going this year. They won't be able to drill until sometime next week. We may just wait until the ground freezes again, so we don't have so many ruts. All that landscaping doesn't sound very appealing right now.

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