Saturday, January 07, 2006

Birthday Treats

The only reason I posted this very disturbing picture of my grandma with a knife bigger than her body was to tell you about the wonderful way I got to spend my birthday. As most of you know, this was a very hard birthday for me (not that getting older is easy for any of us). It was a big slap in the face that I am quickly approaching the downward decent of the HILL. This realization may not scare some people, but I was really thrown by it. I mean, have I really accomplished what I thought I could by 40? Am I keeping myself healthy enough to make another 50 years like Big A (grandma)? Have I made a difference in my world? So many things flooded my thoughts....I really dreaded this birthday until Kandi suggested that we go scrap in Jackson. Well, whala! That made things all better. I had the best time trying to finish grandma's 90th birthday party albumn. It was not an easy task because I didn't know anyone there. Mom lovingly went through all 116 pictures and tried to identify who was who. I had typed the stories and memories that each of her friends had written for us at the party. I am almost finished. Kandi, Beth, and Jill brought way cute (homemade) cards and wonderful presents. They also took care of my birthday treat with Snicker topped brownies. They were delicious. Thanks again for the SUPER birthday treat! I couldn't ask for a nicer group of friends. Love you all! Kristin

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh my gosh did we have FUN!?!? I love this picture of Grandma, it's definitely one to make you LOL! Glad you had a good time and enjoyed your treats!
