Sunday, May 14, 2006

Rain, rain go away.....

No, seriously the rain can go away sometime real soon! I'm sick of soggy dogs, dirty shoes, and having a birthday party for 10 boys in the rain. Konnor had his "official" party yesterday. We ended up taking them to DMS gym with a bunch of my equipment from gym. They played and played. I wouldn't have survived that party in my house. There were a few boys that were far from well-behaved. Kinda' put a damper on my enjoyment. I guess that doesn't really matter because Konnor had a good time. Thank God birthday parties, at our house, are every other year.....maybe he'll forget and I can squeeze in a couple more years before the next one.


Beth said...

I agree the rain needs to least you have the middle school! Have a great Mom's day!!

Jill H said...

you're the coolest gym lady ever!!!
seriously, that sounds like a fun party, all the room to run. Happy Mother's Day!