Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Book em, Danno!

Some of you may be too young to get that phrase (ie: Beth, Kandi, Jill, and all of my younger friends). That was yesterday in a nut shell and I'm using NUT loosely. I can't tell you how many stressful events have occured in my life over the past week....let's re-cap some of the highlights. First, I was told that I couldn't have my track and field day on the scheduled date (had a contract with the HS since November 05)....next, I was informed that I would probably be moved to the HS or the MS to teach science again next year....thirdly, I spent 6 hours spraying off tie-dyed t-shirts in the freezing cold rain....fourthly, I remembered (way too late) that I hadn't covered the Puberty and HIV units with the 5th grade. None of those events can hold a candle to yesterday's excitement though! During one of my PM gym classes, my very violent and emotionally unstable student decided he didn't like the fact that someone else was doing the jump ball to start our game. He proceeded to push and yell at the student that was in his way. Unfortunately, the other student didn't want to back down at that point. He decided to do some pushing back. I stepped in between the two students and broke up the shoulder banging with my own shoulder. I thought that would be the end of it until they lined up to return to their classroom. He decided to scream and yell at me stating "you aren't my boss, you can't tell me what to do, get away from me....etc. etc." When the teacher arrived, I asked him to remove the student. The student was not going to comply with him either. He continued to yell and scream at me all the way down the hall. My principal and I tried to get him to calm down. Nothing was working. He was allowed to go back to his class....left his class....went to the office.....called 911 on me. Yes, you read right, that little "shxx" called the cops because we weren't being fair. To make a long story short I was called out of my class to talk to the police....I felt like I was being reprimanded....the student had to leave the building. I cannot believe that it happened?! He's in 4th grade for God's sake! PS this is the same student that had me up against the wall twice last year in similiar situations. I love my job! NOT!!

Today was the first two sessions of Puberty ed. Went ok....here is one of the statements that was in my question box. I think it says it all! Why do we have to go through this thing, why can't boys because they are smelly and mean! I will get a good laugh out of that one for years to come. She is only 11 and doesn't know how right she is!!

1 comment:

Jill H said...

oh my gosh!!
no, i don't know 'book em Danno', sorry! but sheesh, what a day :(

teachers definitely don't get paid enough with all the crap they've got to deal with. i cannot believe elem. age kids are that bad!! how many more days left before summer vaca.??!