Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Is it only TUESDAY?!

How could such a great attitude (from all of the R&R this weekend) be squashed so quickly? Simply answered...have the HS call you and say that there is no way that you can have your 4th grade Track and Field day on the day you have it scheduled for. No lie...even though I have had a contract with them since NOVEMBER, they told me today that the League Track Meet was being hosted by HHS (known this since JUNE 05). I could not believe my ears! So now I am anxiously awaiting a solution to this definite problem. The worst part is the athletic director and his secretary are pointing the finger at each other and no one is taking the blame. Or even saying sorry for that matter. To make matter worse...he is the one that did my job for 4 years previously. He knows what goes into the planning of these two school track meets. Sigh!!!!! I feel like my chest is being sat on by an elephant. Possible solutions to this mess...move the HS track meet to the college (but former President Roche died this weekend and they are doing a hupla thing sometime next week)....take the track meet to Camden(which would involve a lot of hassle)...move the track meet to Tuesday (too many cruddy things to list as to why this stinks). So my friends thanks for the great weekend and unfortunately the "glow" didn't last as long I needed it to.

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