Saturday, December 03, 2005


I can't believe I didn't hit the publish here I go again. We just got done putting the outside lights up on the house and in the trees. It is FREEZING out!! It is our first attempt to "get into the holiday spirit". I think I am too numb to feel any "spirit" at this point. I don't even think I feel my toes at this point. We decided to get our tree on the first open night this week. Well, it looks like Thursday is that day. Monday Kirk3 plays Western at home. It is his last home game this season. On Tuesday Kirk3 and Kraig have the Christmas Choir Concert. On Wednesday, we will travel to Columbia Central to watch Kirk3 play basketball. So that leaves Thursday ..... Kraig had basketball tryouts this morning. He is looking forward to starting another sport. The couch and TV have become his favorite past time. Konnor is playing at his friend Drew's house. Probably a really good place for him when we are working. He always wants to help, which is sometimes not a lot of help. He tries hard though. Well, my 15 minute warm up break is over. We are heading back out to put all the empty boxes and trampoline up in the other garage. Hope you have a WARM night!

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