Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Extra time...

Well, when I said I could use another day at home to get some more things done, I did not intend on getting that time by staying home with a sick kid. Konnor has been coughing his poor head off for two nights now. Last night was the worst. I don't think he got much sleep at all, needless to say neither did we. I will take him into the doctors today and hope that he can find a "cure all". So I guess I will at least get a little extra time to do some of those things that didn't get done this weekend. I guess I need to get thinking about starting xmas shopping, decorating, sending out cards, etc. I find that I have to take one day at a time, or I literally go nuts. Not really that great for those plan ahead people in the family, but what can I say?! Well, gotta' get a move on if I'm going to get anything done before Konnor wakes up. KP

1 comment:

Beth said...

Please tell me you really didn't post this at 4:42 AM? You are really keeping this up! :)
