Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Blog number 28 on the 28th!

This is what you get around our house when you say "sit next to your brother so I can get a good picture of the two of you." Yes, that is Kraig's head sticking out of Kirk's armpit. You would think I wasn't asking for too much.

I wanted to post one more time today so now I have my 28th post on the 28th, OK, now I know I'm a "NUT". I also included the picture of the cat because "the cat is out of the bag" so to speak. Kandi (bless her heart) asked for my blog address because she had misplaced it. Well, Kirk 2 read the email but hasn't said anything about it. He doesn't think that blogs are of course, that means that I shouldn't have one. My thought on the matter is this....I love keeping in blogging is what I will do. Talk later


Jill H said...

My husband thinks blogs are dorky and a complete time burgler, but I'm definitely not stopping mine! My inner blogger has been unleashed. How on earth would we have time to tell each other all that info? We'd need a full month getaway of scrapbooking...doesn't sound bad, does it?

Keep on bloggin' Kristin!!

Kasandra said...

Oh I feel awful...please forgive me for starting any trouble if I have. I know the conversation all too well...Steve was a little concerned about the bloggin especially with photos, but do I question him putting deer 'pee pee' on his boots and on cotton balls in the woods? I think that is silly too! LOL Scrapbooking? did I hear that word? I am ready! When can we all get together?? huh? huh?

Beth said...

Kyle must be the only one that thinks they're a great idea, although he does call me a dork on occasion! Oh well, I think we all are having fun and using it as a way to keep in touch and stay creative. I know I'm stalking your blogs, so please keep blogging friends!!!