Monday, January 01, 2007

5 Days until CANCUN!!

These are the bewildered faces of the girls on a hectic trip. Hopefully this year will go more smoothly. We have been anxiously counting down the days until we (the coaches wives) leave for Cancun. Due to the unexpected flight problems last year, we were given free airfare for this years trip. When Gloria stumbled upon a timeshare in Cancun....we said, "why not!" We leave Friday after work and will be going to a hotel near the Cleveland Airport (3 hours away)- don't ask! Saturday morning we will be taking off at 7 AM arriving in Cancun by 9:40. Yahhhoooo!!!! We will be returning on Wednesday 10PM in Chicago (again, don't ask!). I hope that we will have a wonderful time. I am very much looking forward to sunning myself on the warm beaches. Where could I have found a better place to spend my 40th birthday?! Yes, that is the downside to this little also means 5 days until I reach the top of the hill. I figure it will be all downhill from here, so I might as make it a special one.


Beth said...

All downhill from here? Think of what you've learned in the first 40...the rest should be smooth sailing! So glad you're getting away!! Can you fit me in your suitcase?

Kasandra said...

Oh you have planned the most wonderful 40th celebration- oh how envious we all are! Hmm, think I can make my hubby a coach in the next 3 years so I can have such an awesome adventure when I reach the top too??
Have fun and here's wishing you a wonderful bday and trip!