Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Shhhh....don't tell the computer....I'm in!

I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating this whole computer thing is becoming! Not only is the one at home giving us fits, the school email has been touch and go lately too. How do they (the computer germs) expect me to keep "connected" to my friends and family?! For crying out loud, I had to finally break down and call Beth today to ask a time sensitive question. I couldn't take the chance of it not working.

This is a really fuzzy picture of Konnor and the other waterboys from Friday night. They have quite a CREW working to keep the players hydrated. This was the belly bumping that was going on after the Hornets won another game. Hope your week is going by quickly. The only thing I focus on is the weekends now so that I can get caught up.


Kasandra said...

welcome back...sorry about your puter troubles...glad to see a post so I can feel re-connected!

Jill H said...

a note to Kristin's computer and/or email...KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!!!!

glad to see you back =)

Beth said...

Surprise! Didn't expect to see you online! YEAH :) You actually GET caught up on the weekends? I wanna!