Tuesday, September 19, 2006

YEP, you guessed it!

Yep, the computer has gone on another vacation. Trust me this is becoming quite a problem on the homefront. So I guess if I'm going to keep in touch, I will need to blog from work. Hence the picture of my mom in the golf cart last winter. I didn't have anything else in my picture file here.

Football continues to control our lives. Kraig has his first scrimmage in albion tomorrow, Thursday Kirk has a game at Columbia Central and Friday night V is at home. Kirk said that he wished this craziness would end. I informed him that we still had a loooooong haul. Well, better get to work.


Beth said...


Kasandra said...

Hello - glad to know you are still with us...alive and well in Hillsdale. :-)

Jill H said...

good to hear from you, Kristin!!