Tuesday, September 05, 2006


First day of school, YIPEE!! I can't wait to get started back in a routine. I LOVE order! Won't blog much this morning because I don't know how long it will take me to convince Konnor this is a great DAY! Talk tonight.....can I say YIPPPPEEEE one more time!!!!!!


Beth said...

I'm with you girl, schedules and order and routine make me HAPPY!!! Have a great first day :)

Jill H said...

hi Kristin!!! glad to hear you got the job that worked better w/your schedule. glad to have you back & connected again =)

Kasandra said...

HEY! I posted yesterday- where did it go??
Well, again I say.....glad that you have a position that works better for you....that always makes the year pass by quicker! ( I know just getting started!!)
And like all of you....I love the school year already....ahhhh, I have a routine and some morning time for ME! I usually do sihes, housework, laundry, etc BUT it sure beats having to cram it all in after 8 hrs at work!
Looking forward to hearing more about all the successes of the football teams...I am missing it this year! Jake cannot play of course because of his arm and the other two do not play! :( I love football.