Sunday, November 20, 2005

Give it a try?!

I thought that I would follow Beth's lead and attempt to keep everyone up to speed on the Putnam schedule. It has been enjoyable for me to keep in contact this way. I hope you enjoy it too. Konnor and his dad got a doe on Friday night. It was Konnor's first "kill". I'm not really sure he thought it was as awesome as he anticipated. We kept the heart so we could dissect it this week. Mom always looks for ways to plug science. This is her contribution. Konnor and mom were sick over the weekend, but are starting to feel like theirselves again. Kirk3 continues to practice and play 8th grade basketball. He is finally learning how to use his size. He has a game at Western on Monday and a game at Home on Tuesday. Kraig has just finished up his football season and is now anxiously awaiting basketball to start. He will play on the recreation department team again this year. Konnor, well, he played soccer this fall and again in the spring. He spends most of his free time outside riding his dirt bike, shooting his bow or bb gun, helping Mike rake leaves, etc. The kid is never sitting idle that's for sure. Well, I guess this enough for now. Later.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Go Kristin, go Kristin :) I'm impressed!!
