Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Finally got it!!

I have been trying to update this for 3 days now and finally I figured it out (with a little help). Kirk3 played basketball against Leslie tonight at home. Our 8th grade team beat them this time. Must be that home court advantage. Kraig had oral surgery today and is not feeling that great yet. I can't tell if its the medicine that is bringing him down or that this was really his first experience with real "pain". He is getting lots of TLC but it doesn't seem to be working. He is also very worried about the assignments he missed today and the fact that he hasn't felt like doing any homework today. Hopefully the movies and motrin will kick in soon and give him some relief. Kirk2 is celebrating his 38th birthday today at the Varsity football banquet tonight. Not a lot of presents but plenty of birthday desserts. Looking forward to 1 more day of work and the long weekend. Have a great Thanksgiving. KP

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