Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can't believe we are more than half way through November already. I guess the saying "times flies when your having fun" must hold true. Actually, I think it is that we are so busy we really don't know if we are coming or going. Kirk3 had a great game again last night against Leslie. It is amazing that a team can beat you and then you turn around a few weeks later and beat them. Kraig and Konnor are on their way home from sledding. Konnor was chomping at the bit to get the snowmobile out too, but dad said later. He loves the snow, but I think he might be the only one in the family who does. Kraig is doing a little better today after having his tooth exposed yesterday. I don't think he really knew what to expect. Today was absolutely a nightmare for the PE teacher. Thanksgiving concerts in the AM and PM sent me trucking to find a place to get the kids moving. We ended up doing step aerobics to Slim Goodbody (some of you are too young to know who that is) in the music room. I finally got my gym back at 2:50. What a relief?!! Well, we are off to grandma's and grandpa's for Thanksgiving dinner. I am so lucky to have supportive parents. I don't have to bring a thing, just show up. What a deal! Hopefully someday I will be able to return the favor. I really hope we don't get snowed in here because Kirk2 says he is fixing his wild turkey if we can't make it out. Something I hope I never to experience. He brought home deer meat tonight, so I'm off to clean out the freezer to make room. Maybe I can pitch the turkey! KP

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