Sunday, November 27, 2005

Not enough time!

There never seems to be enough time in these long weekends to get everything done that needs to be done. How frustrating?! I look back at the weekend and think of all the things that "did" get done and then think of the billions of things still left to be done. Never ending, I guess....We just took the youngest boys to Harry Potter. It was good, but extremely long....Konnor must have been in 250 different positions, laps, and seats. He announced quite loudly "that's finally done" when the credits started to play. A little embarrassing but I guess that's how he truly felt. Kirk 3 opted out of seeing it a second time. He had gone last Friday with his buddies. Well, won't get those last few things done if I continue this, so I'll close for now. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and there aren't that many weeks before xmas break. YEAH!! KP

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