What a RELIEF!! We have now made it successfully through the first of 2 surgeries to remove Konnor's angel kiss. The doctor was able to get about 80% of it this time. He sent it off to the pathology department and we will receive those results at his follow up on Wednesday. He did great! He was very brave, as we thought he would be. I, on the other hand, know why I didn't become a nurse or vet after all. I did great until after his surgery, and then...oh boy! At one point, Kirk was feeding Konnor's ice chips to me,and I had the cold wash cloth over my face. I don't know why that happens...but it just does?! Of course, Kirk says it is because I'm a wimp...I think it's because I care. Konnor's school is going roller skating tonight and he is bond and determined to go. We might be able to watch, but skating on Tylenol 3 with codine is probably not a good idea! Talk later.
PS This a picture of Konnor and his new baby guinea pig Squeakers!
YEAH KONNOR! Great job!!! Mom, at least you didn't actually hit the floor...and Kirk was nice enough to feed you ice chips! :) You made me giggle out loud there!
Have a good night, hope you can relax now!
hooray! I was anxious to see a post tonight...I knew it would be a relief. You poor baby...some people just cannot swing the medical field..beleive me....you are not the first! I have helped a many off the floor that were not the patient. Glad all is well.
I'm glad you guys made it through! Wow, sounds like you and (my hubby) Gary would be a great E.R. doctor team! He feels nauseous taking an animal to the vet. I was lucky to have him in the delivery room with our babies. And cutting the umbilical cord? Fuhgeddaboudit!
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