Well, I know your wondering what on Earth is Kristin doing blogging in the middle of the day? Could it be that she had to stay home with Konnor who has strep throat. Yipee! The worst part is that the hospital has now rescheduled his surgery for January 26th instead of this Thursday. It is such a shame because it takes so much pre-planning to get everyone's schedules in line and then have to turn around and do it all again in 2 weeks. We have been nervously anticipating this procedure for 2 weeks now, and now we get to add another 2 weeks of waiting and wondering.
On another note (or curve ball), our well went bad this morning. Every spring we have a problem with sediments seeping into our well. Well, I know it's not spring, but the weather outside doesn't seem to realize this. We know have 3 toilets (yes, I am thankful for 3) that will have to be bailed out and cleaned. There is no washing dishes, doing laundry, or taking (clean) showers for that matter. Hopefully we caught it soon enough so we will only have to drain the hotwater heater and water softener. Keep your fingers crossed.
I hope Konnor is feeling better and I hope your well is well. I love the color of your Miss Chloe on that green blanket, what a cute picture!
I hope Konnor feels better soon! Ugh water issues....best wishes for clean water soon!
Chloe looks like she is enjoying having Konnor home with her!
Kris, clear water yet? HANG IN THERE MAMA!
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