This is the only Christmas decoration left standing in the house. My mom actually made this for me last year ( I know it looks store bought!) I took advantage of everyone being couch potatoes yesterday and DE-CLUTTERED the house. I know the stuff is suppose to bring warm fuzzy feelings to a house, but get real, it is too cluttered! It feels so good walking downstairs and actually being able to see space. Ahhhhhh! The laundry is caught up and put away (as much as it can ever be caught up), the house is clean, and I am in control once again. Today is hurry up and do all the homework and lesson plans that didn't get touched all break. A science fair project and paper to be typed for Kirk3, writing workshop for Kraig, Reading Recovery for Konnor, grades and papers for Kirk2, and lesson plans for me! Yeap, I say we'd better get a move on and fast!
PS I figured out how to turn my photo, so my friends don't have to crink their necks!
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