I really wish that someone would come up with Cliff Notes for easier parenting...you know the one's we used to make it through Freshman English at college. You would think that I was the worst mother on planet Earth if you listened to my children talk. It doesn't seem to matter how much I do for them right now, they just don't get it! Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think this sounds like a dead beat mom's life: 7:45 get up, shower, and eat breakfast. 8:30 make Kirk3 and Konnor french toast one the stovetop (which is not a good idea for me) because "we always have a big breakfast on Sunday's". I had eaten oatmeal because it was my first official meal in 3 days. 9:00 loaded the dishwasher, pick up house, get laundry to basement. 10:30 go on internet with K3 to find 11.5 4E shoes that won't hurt his feet. I, of couse, cannot pick anything "cool" out. 11:00 make beds and get around to take the boys to DMS to shoot hoops. 11:20 start picking up friends on the way to DMS. 11:45 arrive at DMS and begin to scrap. There were 6 - fourteen year olds, 2- eleven year olds, and 1- seven year old playing basketball or riding heelies at this point. 12:00-3:15 Let the boys shoot, throw football, etc (this is the part where I actually did something for me: SCRAP on bleachers! Almost finished Konnor's sports book. 3:15 helped 6 boys (yeah, I lost a few along the way) find their shoes, sweatshirts, balls, etc. 3:20 swung by two of the boys houses to pick up PS2 games....Stopped at Little Ceasars and picked up two pizzas to feed the masses....3:30 arrived home with 8 boys to have a PS2 tournament and shoot baskets indoors. 5:00 Take all the friends home, start laundry, and dinner 5:30 catch grief from one pouty 11 year old who thinks that I'm always mean to him (this was the second time today this was addressed) . 6:00 finish cooking dinner(Steak on the grill, noodles, green beans and salad), more laundry, help with homework, more laundry, clean the kitchen from dinner. 7:30 Blog and now I get to put the laundry away and give a 7 year old a bath......and on...and on....and on!
I don't think this sounds like the glamorous day of a dead beat mom! Unless you count my 12 minute trip to the tanner, car wash, and gas station. How do you get them to see all that we do?! Maybe there isn't a way. But get REAL!!
sounds like a pretty cool MOM to me! :)
I actually feel like a crappy mom after reading all the COOL things you did for your kids today. Please don't tell mine!!!
YOU need to put your 'badge' back on about ........NOW!
Honey- you are an awesome Mom and those boys know darn well who 'butters their toast'! Mom does....they will come around and tell you....Mom, you are the best!
Thanks, Kandi, Jill, and Beth your sentiments meant a lot too me. This parenting thing gets mighty stressful once in awhile.
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