There are 3 things I really like about my job: 2 hour delays, snow days, and summer vacation! No kidding, they are such welcomed surprises. It is like you are given some free time to get things under control again. Like laundry and picking up the house. This morning I was even able to make a new "PE " music disc for class. The songs (edited) are hard to find these days. I always worry that they will swear or talk about something inappropriate. It is definitely a calculated risk. Well, we are 24 hours away from Konnor's surgery time....so far it is a go.... not sick this week. Yeah! A little nervous and lots of tears last night, but I think we can distract him through the whole thing and be fine. Trying not to looked worried yourself is the hard part. Unfortunately, he has my ability to read people's emotions. Keep smiling is what I will keep telling myself today.
Good luck tomorrow....we will keep you close in our thoughts and prayers! Keep the faith!
Hang in there girl, all will go well and before you know it you'll be back home. Put your big girl pants on, I know you can do it :)
Good luck Konnor...you'll be brave, I know it!!
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