Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up

Where to start.....well, Kay was home this weekend so I thought I would send her back to CMU with a little Valentines Cake. She is definitely a sweetie and LOVES white cake with white frosting and sprinkles. We decided her famous quote would be "Home is where the cake is!"

The Ron's Rods book is finally completed and will be headed towards Florida later today. I had done the layout portion of it for Father's Day 2005. It took awhile for him to compile his car pictures and get them to me. I am very pleased with how it turned out though. I posted my favorite page. The boys have always been amazed by the Mercury Lead Sled that actually shoots flames out it's tailpipes.
It is NOAH'S FREAKIN' ARC around here still. Ever since the bitter cold weather last weekend our house has been swarming with animals. We've had a few close calls with the cat and hamster sharing the same space. I also thought I was being very nice to bring the rabbits in and put them in some empty clothes tubs.....little did I know they would figure out how to share the same tub. I'm hoping they are both boys....otherwise their behavior will be yielding numerous bunnies. You know that famous quote about "rabbits", well it's TRUE! Don't worry about Easter presents this year.....I think I will have everyone covered.


Kasandra said...

You are so lucky- you have a girl. I need to find me
You finshed the book- HOORAY! Do we get a peek at the next crop? I would love to see it!!
Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies....hmm, I will start mentioning the awesome idea of a bunny for Easter to everyone I

Jill H said...

'i'm hoping they're both boys'...hahahah :) i hope so too because i know i don't want any bunnies!! the hot rod book looks very cool, Kristin!

Beth said...

Home is where the cake is...AWW! Love that! Um, no bunnies for me, but thanks anyway Noah's wife. :)