Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I think I danced too hard?!

We have this little dance in the teaching profession called the "Snow Day Dance". It is one that they actually teach us in college and we have to perform it before we can get our diploma (NOT!). I think that the teachers in Hillsdale County were dancing a little too well on Monday night because we have now had two glorious Snow Days this week! I always enjoy the extra time to get the things done that would normally have to wait until the weekend. I actually went to school and got some work that I've needed to get done since November. The boys had a great time riding the snowmobile and snowboarding all day. Kraig invited Hayden over who had never been on a snowmobile before....that was especially exciting for him. They would come in just long enough to put their stuff in the dryer and grab something to eat. We also let them get Guitar Hero II with their xmas money yesterday. I think they will have a lot of fun with that too. On a not so good note...Konnor tripped and fell on the open dishwasher door and broke it off. NOT GOOD!! I am not liking doing dishes by hand....we produce a lot of dirty dishes around here. I tried to give them French toast and bacon on paper plates this morning and was told "NOT ON VALENTINES DAY!" Tomorrow we will start using the paper!


Beth said...

TWO SNOW DAYS! You are a good dancer :) Love the pics, especially of cutie Chloe...she has such a cute head! Sorry about your dishwasher...that seriously sucks. Maybe Konnor can help with dishes? Or those boys that didn't want to eat off paper? LOL

Kasandra said...

aww bummer about the dishwasher...but Hooray for our new Dancing with the Stars gal!! The boys are wondering if you give lessons as they only gone one snowday!!

Jill H said...

yep, sounds like you might have danced too hard!! your days off sound like you had fun, except for the dishwasher breaking. hope you got it fixed or convinced them to eat off paper (gasp!) ;)