Thursday, February 08, 2007

I knew it was going to be a long day when.....

I woke up this morning thinking that it was Friday AM. It really puts a damper on your whole outlook when you figure out you actually have 2 more days of work instead of one. Is anyone else ready for Spring/Summer? I am definitely voting for a short winter. After being bummed with no "cold day" off on Monday, I was not looking forward to dealing with 390 students that have had inside recess for 4 days in a row. Now this may not seem like a big deal to most, but let me tell you when the Gym is their only outlet to release energy....WATCH OUT!! I think this job is going to kill me or make me go insane (oh yeah, I'm already there). Mom and dad finally got to leave for Florida on Wednesday. Wishing them warm days and quiet nights in beautiful Florida. I'm already ready for them to come home. If they're smart they will drag their feet on the way home.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I gotta say, I sure don't envy you dealing with 390 wild children. Um, YUCK! Hang in there...and HECK YES, I'm ready for spring!!!