Monday, February 19, 2007

In other news......

Except from the dishwasher repair job, things have been going rather smoothly on the homefront. Tuesday and W

ednesday were snow days....thursday I was home sick...Friday Kirk3 played an EXCELLENT game against Leslie and we had pizza with the Putnam's and Harkness's after the game.....Saturday I watched Shawn K. wrestle at Districts.....Konnor had a birthday party at the college (swimming).....Kirk and I had the reverse raffle (we won NOTHING).....Sunday we did laundry and cleaned and then went to the movies with Kraig and Konnor....Today we have the day off....K2 is lifting.....K3 is at basketball practice....and the other two are just now waking up! Ahhhh.....peace and quiet! Today we plan on riding the snowmobiles and sledding as much as possible because we are going to loose the snow with the temperatures reaching 40 degrees today and 60 degrees by Saturday.

Thursday after work Kirk and I head to Grand Rapids to watch John Mayer inconcert. We are spending the night and then running some errands on our way to Stockbridge to watch K3 play Friday night. I am going to try to make an appointment with my Gastroenterologist on Friday in Battle Creek. I think it is time to switch meds. Sunday was the first day that I actually could eat since Thursday's sick day. Not any fun at all!


Beth said...

John Mayer...can't wait to hear about that! Hope you're feeling better...make that appointment!

Kasandra said...

I am jealous....have fun at the concert. Bummer that tum of your is giving you trouble...hope you feel better soon.