Monday, February 19, 2007

Isn't she lovely....

Isn't she lovely.....isn't she wonderful! Trying to remember the lyrics to the song but they aren't coming to mind at the moment. This is the new addition to our household. Your wondering why I am posting about a dishwasher?! Me too! Don't know what else is noteworthy to post??? Tuesday night Konnor backed up and landed on the open dishwasher door....completely broke it off its hinges.....and left us with the age old question....fix it or get a new one? The parts alone were going to be around $100 and the dishwasher is 7 years old. So we got a new one. Then the fun began. The old one could just be slid out, unhook the plug and water supply, move it out of the kitchen. Wala! The new one however took 6 hours to install. They don't tell you that the old fittings won't necessarily aline with the new ones....the plug is not attached....that copper piping does not bend too well....need I say more. But we now are the proud owners and operators of a NICE dishwasher. There is definitely more cleaning surfaces than my old washer which is another plus. So Happy Valentine's Day to me!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Glad you aren't hand washing anymore...even though I know you do before you put them in the dishwasher! :)