Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kristin's Arc

I figure I will soon be getting the phone call telling me where I am going to be now that I have spent 3 days getting DMS room ready. I have my tank of Giant African Millipedes ready (found 3 babies in the bottom of the tank, VERY exciting!)...I went to meet with my "Bug Lady" contact in Lansing yesterday and now have the Hissing Cockroaches ready too. I also acquired 6 baby mice that were way too cute to pass up on. When your putting a science room together on a budget of $0 you will take any handouts you can get. I can't tell you how GOOD it feels to be back in the science mode. Another reason I think I will get the call that sends me back to PE.

In other news....Football is in full force this week. K2 and K3 are at practice from 7 AM to at least 1:30 PM....with coaches meeting following practice. This Friday we travel to Summerfield for a scrimmage. K3 starts around 4 and K2 starts at 6....what a long day that will be. And where the heck is Summerfield anyways?!

Konnor and I started soccer last night. We have moved up to U10....larger field....bigger goals...and alot more running. Konnor's stamina was pretty pathetic. He is so used to riding 4 wheelers and dirt bikes for pleasure, he doesn't spend a lot of time running. We will definitely need to start running more.


Beth said...

I wish you would be my science teacher Mrs. Putnam! Cool stuff, and cool pics!

Jill H said...

can i request that you be a science teacher this year, b/c i'd like to see more critter pictures on the blog?! not in real life, but just on the blog. i hope you know where you're going to be soon!!