Monday, April 24, 2006

Coach another sport? Are you crazy?!

Yep, that would be me! Crazy...certifiable...lunatic....nutty...out of my mind...I think that just about completely describes my personality. We were going to move Konnor up in baseball this year because skill wise he's probably is ready. However, after giving it some more thought, we decided to do one more year of coach pitch. We would hate to set him up for failure and frustration when we don't really have to. So....that's the reason for the beginning statements....I'm co-coaching Coach Pitch baseball yet again this year. Didn't I get on a soap box at the end of last year and say the I AM NOT GOING TO COACH ANOTHER BASEBALL TEAM! Well, I guess I'll have to step down from the box for yet another season. Hope to see you at the baseball field this summer.


Beth said...

Kristin, Kristin, Kristin...what are you thinking? You are such a good mama! How's Konnor's ankle???

Kasandra said...

Go Kristin, Go Kristin, You da best mama!! Go you crazy girl! and to think...I THOUGHT you were already CRAZY, INSANELY BUSY? silly me....or is that SILLY YOU?
Ok, so actually I am one wanted to play baseball this Barton baseball. boo hoo