Sunday, February 24, 2008

Who is more LAZY?!

Ok, so it is an injury induced laziness..... but it is still laziness no matter how you look at it. K3 and Hunter were enjoying watching a movie last night....and we were enjoying watching them watch a movie. Does that sound too confusing? Well, the sun is shining and spirits are lifting. Friday night was the last JV game that K3 had to sit through. I think he is glad it is over. We are waiting to find out what will happen to baseball season on Tuesday when we see the specialist in Chelsea. We are keeping our fingers crossed that things are healing quickly.


Kasandra said...

aww they look so comfy and relaxed. Enjoy a 'lazy' moment while you can K3 - soon enough you will be up and on the run again!!

We also have an injury - no baseball conditoning and/ or tryouts this year. :-)

Donna said...

Good Luck Tuesday - weather could be dicey.

Beth said...

I think he looks lucky! But then, I'm a couch potato!

Jill H said...

aww, nothing like snuggling with a cat :)