Friday, February 22, 2008

3 + 2 = CHAOS

OK, the old saying raising 3 Kids is just as easy as 2 definitely does not apply to 5 BOYS~ ages 9-16. I am looking back at this week and, how did you do it? I helped out a friend this week by keeping her boys while she was in the hospital. I was only supposed to have them on Sunday night....which turned into all day Monday (snowday) and 4 nights/days after that. They are great kids so that wasn't an issue but it is amazing what adding 2 mouths and 2 sets of clothes to the mix does. Glad we could help out and even more glad that it is over.


Kasandra said...

How very nice of you to be able to help a friend- but oh I can only imagine. Crazy enough when the boys just have friends overnight- let alone a week!
Glad you all survived. :-)

Jill H said...

wow, i bet that family really appreciated it. what a nice thing to do! i cannot even imagine the laundry that comes with FIVE boys!!!