Tuesday, February 05, 2008

YOU gotta be kidding me?!

I can't believe we have another day off school! I could understand the 2 hour delay this morning because driving home from Harper Creek was horrible last night. Seriously couldn't see 30 feet infront of the car. It always makes you a little hesitant to take Jonesville Rd when it's

that bad because you never know when you are going to come up on an Omish buggy. Well, since the science fair project is done, laundry is pretty much caught up, cleaned the house this morning, I guess that leaves some other "sorting" projects for the day. My scrappin' table has turned into a catch all and needs some immediate attention. Hmmm....maybe I can finish my book today?


Kasandra said...

Hope you were able to enjoy a little of yet another day off....did you scrap any? huh?

Beth said...

Dude...you guys are on a roll! Mine were mad they didn't get a delay. Poor babies :) Hope you're in your groove!

Jill H said...

the snowmobiling looks like fun! there's a neighbor of ours that has snowmobiles and with every new snow i hear the zooooooom sound when they go down the road. hope you enjoyed another day off :)