Saturday, August 04, 2007

I need a BABY FIX!!

As I was sitting in the ob/gyn office tuesday I was thinking that I really needed a baby fix! There were all these little girl babies in little fufu dresses coming in making cute little noises.....not a good place for me to sit very long! Little did I know that the baby fix would come from a bunch of wild baby bunnies that my cats found in my flower bed. Who in there right mind would have babies when there are 2 dogs and 2 cats around. I told my mom that Mrs. Rabbit must have had an emergency delivery or something. So added to my already crazy PAC camp, lip surgery, football camp food preparations.....I am now bottle feeding 3 babies (yesterday there were 4 until Hunter took one out to play). The other "baby" in our life is growing like a weed. Squirt (AKA Sport or Ryder) is full of mischief and always getting into some sort of trouble. Hunter still hasn't adjusted very well. Chloe LOVES him though.


Beth said...

Man, I don't need no baby fix! You are nuts! :) And those bunnies...awww!

Jill H said...

wow, you're a lifesaver feeding those bunnies! so cute. also cute pet pictures, love little Squirt!!