Sunday, August 19, 2007

Family fun at the cottage....

Kraig and Blake having a great time tubing!

well, at least for part of the family that is. We met at the cottage yesterday for our farewell to the old and in with the new. My parents start disassembling the OLD cottage for their NEW cottage/house that they will begin building soon. It is both exciting and sad. This cottage was originally my Grandma and Grandpa Warren's cottage. I have been going to this cottage since I was born and have a lot of fond family memories of times spent at the cottage. Some of my favorite memories are camping in the side yard, being drug around on my butt learning to ski, countless card games played on the porch, watching for shooting stars during the campfires, re-roofing the cottage, the smell of pancakes in the morning, and listening to the morning doves as the fog lifts off the lake in the morning. I hope that the NEW cottage can live up to the old memories and provide some fun new memories as my kids and their kids grow up there.


Beth said...

Awww, even I have good memories there! I'm sure the new place will provide just as many, as it's not so much the place, but the people spending time there :)

Jill H said...

good for your parents, that'll be so nice for them to have it be remodeled :) i love the idea of having a place like that to make family memories...maybe someday!!