Monday, August 27, 2007

Friday - Sunday

I can't believe how quickly time flies when you are too busy to even sit down?! Friday we were

supposed to be hosting the first after the game Coaches Party but due to the storm the game was played on Saturday. Luckily I had staggered the food preparation and could shove things in the refrigerator. Saturday went by quickly as I got ready for the busy and preoccupied that I forgot the camera for the pissed at myself. The game was extremely stressful and definitely gave you an adrenaline rush. K3 held his own out there with those "BIG" boys and did a great job. Luckily we won at the very end of the game 34-20 (it had been tied at 20-20 for a long time) Sunday we headed to cottage for the final move. The boys and K2 helped grandpa move out the last of the stuff and took down the TV antennae. The power, gas, and water get shut off on Tuesday and then the wrecking crew starts. The cottage looked kind of helpless with all it's stuff out of it. I know the new cottage will rock though.


Beth said...

I bet the cottage looks a little sad and lonely...but there will be lots of memories in the new place too.

Jill H said...

i'm so sentimental, thinking of the cottage being all torn down makes even me sad :( cannot wait to see what they put in it's place though, i'm sure it'll be awesome!!