Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why didn't I think of that?!

The boys have been working hard this week at Charger Football Camp. It is always a good precursor to the "real" football camp at Ft. Custer, which is quickly approaching. I started feeling the pinch yesterday when I realized I only have 5 weeks left of vacation. Not that I won't be excited for school to is always a big adjustment to go from being on top of all the chores to lagging behind again. This year Kraig joined the big boy ranks as a lineman this year at camp. 1st shot was brothers going head to head with a giant cushion in between. Why didn't I think of that?! Maybe if Konnor and Kraig could "duke" it out with protection, things might be ok?! Probably wouldn't work with them. It was very sweet that they came home from camp and played football with Konnor in the front yard. Maybe they are "getting" it?!


Beth said...

So I just need to get some of those blocking pads? DUH!

Kasandra said...

love the blocking pad idea- can you buy them somewhere around town?

Jill H said...

there ya go, let them settle disagreements that way!!