Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We're BACK!

Feels good to be home and unpacked....I really don't care for living out of a suitcase. I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I decide to run away from home. Kirk and I spent Sunday and part of Monday on Put-in-bay Island. Not what the brouchures tell you. Unless you a 30 year old party animal....there isn't much to do or see. Monday we visisted Marblehead and took pictures by Lake Erie. (oh, we decided to try the other coast this year) Monday night we drove to Monroe and watched harry potter. Can't tell you the last time we watched a movie without chaperones??! Tuesday we drove back to hillsdale via Ann Arbor and Jackson stopping at every used car dealership in between. We think we may have found a car for K3 today. I'll keep you posted.


Kasandra said...

AHHH !! regrouped and refreshed? WHAT? you are not still feeling wild and a 30*ish party animal?

Beth said...

LOVE this picture! Glad you had a good trip. Interesting going to the "other side" of Michigan! Seems like we always head west too!