Thursday, July 05, 2007

Saving a life.....PRICELESS!

Dirt bike $

Wormer $

Flea Shampoo$

Kitty food $

Saving a life ......PRICELESS!

K2, K3, and Konnor stopped to look at a 80cc dirt bike for Konnor on Tuesday. As they were inspecting the bike a kitty came bounding out of the pine trees and would not leave them alone no matter what they tried. So K2 brought the little fellow home with them. Now that wouldn't have been all bad except that it was probably days away from death. The poor thing had more fleas showing than visible skin, he was definitely starving, and had a big belly (worms). I'm happy to report after 3 baths, a flea comb, some kitty chow, and wormer he is a healthy baby boy, at least I think he is a boy?! Haven't agreed on a name but Lucky is definitely in the running. He was definitely lucky to have found him when we did.

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