Thursday, July 19, 2007

1st Floor almost complete!

I decided yesterday that I was tired of looking at the "beige blah" front room. So while the boys were in the weightroom, I started painting. Can't really say "NO" from the high school and I was far enough into the job that we had to finish. K2 is on his way to get more paint so we can finish it up today. I'm supposed to be painting trim right bad....decided to post a couple pictures instead. The color is the same as the dark wall in the living room. This picture makes it look gross

but it really isn't. Squirt was up to no good this morning so I took some pics of him too!

1 comment:

Jill H said...

haha, that's brilliant! (starting it before anyone could say no) Squirt is adorable. awesome picture of the 2 of you at the lake!!