Monday, May 28, 2007

HOORAY!!! May is almost over!

I will have to be the first to admit, I will not be sad to see the calendar flip over to June on Friday. May has been a killer around here. I know we aren't the only ones that suffer from the end of the school year crunch.....but HOLY CRUD! Wednesday and Thursday I spent two wonderouly HOT days at Camden-Frontier for the 4th and 5th grade track and field days. The kids were awesome and I think they had a lot of fun. Friday we were supposed to have K3's last baseball game but the weather didn't cooperate very well. Saturday Kraig was in a 3-0n-3 tourney in Pittsford. His team won their age bracket. Konnor and I planted my flower boxes and worked in the beds....then I spent 4 hours finding a dress for a wedding. Thank God Shirley (a.k.a. My Personal Shopper) was available to help me out. I think I probably tried on 30 dresses and have narrowed it down to two choices. I will return the one I decide not to wear. Sunday we opened the pool in the rain. That was fun?! NOT! Actually it wasn't that bad because you get wet and gross anyways. We are waiting for some "scum ring" cleaner before we fill it the rest of the way. Then I did laundry and escorted Konnor and Steven around on the excursions (see other post). Today K3 is in a 3-on-3 tourney....haven't heard how that is going. So my thought is Good-bye May...and HELLO June. I hope this month is a little less hectic.


Beth said...

I hear ya sister! Your planters look great. And the pool...ah! Not much longer til SCHOOL'S OUT!

Jill H said...

gosh, that May calendar of yours makes me want to HURL! glad it'll ease up for ya in June.