Monday, May 28, 2007

Double Trouble!

I think that it is really cool that Konnor and Steven are such great cousins and they play excellent when they are together. Steven came down on Sunday moring and is still busy going...going...going with Konnor. So far they have gone hunting, rode dirt bikes, jumped on the trampoline, watched a movie, gone fishing, and who knows what else. But my favorite thing they did this weekend was dig in the "hole". I love the picture of just Steven out of the hole....doesn't it look like he is saying, "Man Konnor, my mom isn't this mean! She would never make us dig a hole this BIG!!"


Beth said...

I wish I had someplace Zach and Nick could dig...wear them out a little!

Jill H said...

hmmm, that digging the hole does sound like punishment!! too funny.

Kasandra said...

we had a digging hole for awhile one summer after the boys each read the book, Holes. It was fun- but then no one wanted to fill it back in.
Glad that the boys had so much fun..busy, busy!