Saturday, May 12, 2007


This week is full of celebrations! Grandpa Kirk turned 65 on Wednesday, Shirley turned 36 (I think?) on Thursday, Konnor turned 9 on Thursday, today is prom for Kayla, and of course the ever popular celebration tomorrow, Mother's

Day! Konnor got up on Thursday morning and said, "mom, I don't feel nine!" I said, "but you sure do look 9 now!" Wow, does time fly when your having FUN?! As you can tell by the pathetic candle (yes, it is a tea candle) plopped in the middle of his cake, there wasn't a lot of time for forethought. Kirk had a double header that night and then Konnor picked Subway for his "birthday dinner". Wouldn't have been my first choice, but whatever makes him happy. Kayla had baked 51 cupcakes for him to take to school and I think I finished frosting and sprinkles around 10:00. Whew, the end of the school year sure does make for a busy time of the year. I now have to shift gears to get all of the track and field day stuff done. It was moved to Camden because of some grass issues in the infield - left over damage from the infamous "Mud Bowl" playoff game. Wasn't really excited to hear that change in venue but I might as just roll with the punches. Have a wonderful MOTHER'S DAY!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Seriously she can't get much cuter, and Happy Birthday Konnor! How come I feel EVERY BIT my age? I wanna be nine again!!!