Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What to write....what to write???

Konnor and Steven
Well, we spent an enjoyable 1 1/2 under the awning of the concession stand on Tuesday night at K3's baseball game. It actually was kind of fun. When else would you spend that much time watching for lightning? NEVER! Today was just baseball practice for Konnor. Kraig is done with track now. K3 has a game at Battle Creek tomorrow night and Konnor and I have our last soccer game here. Friday Kraig is going to Greenfield Village for his field trip and Kirk2 is chaperoning the 8th grade Chicago trip. He leaves at 6 AM and gets back at 12AM. Saturday morning I'm heading to Jtown to scrap with the girls. I can't wait to get started again... I don't think I have done anything crafty since the January crop. Ooopps! I'm starting to type my Heat Sheets for Track and Field next Wed and Thurs. Lots and lots of typing. Talk to you soon. K:)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Glad today was an "easy" day! Can't wait for Saturday!!!